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Limited Offer:
1 month
Hand Embroidery summer classes


Sign up to reserve your spot in the next available group.

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Just Rs.999/-

Couse Syllabus and Details

  • Couse duration is one month

  • One hour a day

  • It will be live online classes 

  • Timinings morning 10am-11am

  • Certificate will be issued at the end of the course

  • Once the classes are over recorded videos will also be shared daily for practise session.

  • For any other queries Call 8951212424.

  1. Straight stitch

  2. Fern stitch

  3. Algerian Eyelet stitch

  4. Diamond Eyelet stitch

  5. Rhodes stitch

  6. Ray stitch

  7. Radiating stitch

  8. Lantern stitch

  9. Eyelet Wheel stitch

  10. Arrowhead stitch

  11. Threaded Arrowhead stitch

  12. Eyelet stitch

  13. Rice stitch

  14. Raised Rice stitch

  15. Speckling stitch

  16. Granitos stitch

  17. Sheaf stitch

  18. Running stitch

  19. Looped Running stitch

  20. Laced Running stitch

  21. Interlaced Running stitch

  22. Whipped Running stitch

  23. Laced Edging stitch

  24. Parallel Running stitch

  25. Fairy Lights stitch

  26. Meandering stitch

  27. Stepped Running stitch

  28. Gut Raincoat stitch

  29. Clown Collar stitch

  30. Darning stitch

  31. Holbein stitch

  32. Japanese Darning stitch

  33. Seed stitch

  34. Back stitch

  35. Laced Back stitch

  36. Whipped Back stitch

  37. Pekinese stitch

  38. Open Back stitch

  39. Herringbone Ladder stitch

  40. Split Back stitch

  41. Stem stitch

  42. Looped Stem stitch

  43. Whipped Stem stitch

  44. Outline stitch

  45. Split stitch

  46. Pueblo stitch

  47. Cable stitch

  48. Lock stitch

  49. Double Lock stitch

  50. Portuguese Stem stitch

  51. Japanese stitch

  52. Chain stitch

  53. Whipped Chain stitch

  54. Double Whipped Cahin stitch

  55. Reverse Chain stitch

  56. Lazy Daisy stitch

  57. French Knot

  58. Long French Knot

  59. Bullion Knot

  60. Ring Knot

  61. Stone Work

  62. Bead Work

  63. Chamki work

  64. Motif

  65. Mirror Work 1

  66. Mirror Work 2

  67. Ribbon Roses

  68. Zardosi outline

  69. Zardosi stem stitch

  70. Zardosi loading

  71. Zardosi braided stitch

  72. Embossed zardosi 

  73. Zardosi loop

  74. Zardosi rose

  75. Zardosi cable stitch

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