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Peacock Feather

Peacock is the most colourful and commonly used design for all bridal blouses. There is a lot of varieties in peacock design. In this tutorial we will learn the basic feather using chain stitch and apply it in a complete peacock design.

Attach a tear drop shape stone as shown in picture.

Start with the center line to put the chain stitch from outside towards the stone.

Once the centre line is completed put a knot.

Now draw the lines of the feather.

The lines should not be straight or equal. It should be in feather shape and uneven to give natural look. Practise to draw the lines till you get the perfect shape of the feather.

Now continue the chain stitch for all the lines drawn with small gaps between each lines. Complete the first half of the feather.

Next complete the chain stitch within the gaps of those two lines to complete one half of the feather.

Similarly continue the chain stitch for all the lines with little gaps between each lines and again fill the gaps. For the tutorial I have added beads and chamki for the next half of the feather to make it more grand and colourful. As peacock is colourful you can add more colours in thread, beads and sequence matching to the saree colours or as per clients requirements. Make sure it is not over colours rather it look elegant and natural. For the first lines I have added bigger sequence and for the chain stitches inbetween the lines I have added smaller sequence. It is your choice to add any colours and sizes. Complete the other half and the final look forms a peacock feather.

Next to hide all the knots formed around the stone and to highlight the stone we are using stem stitch. First start with the centre and start with stem stitch in the right side.

Put a long chain and put 3/4 th of that ling chain in the right side and pull it back till it becomes a knot and then put a chain stitch.

Once it comes near the stone and touches the stones continue to do the stem stitch in the left side.

Continue the stem stitch around the stone to highlight the stone and also all the knots of the chain stitch is hided and gives a neat finishing.

For video explanation in Tamil check below

For video explanation in English check below

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